Thursday, July 26, 2007

Khalil Fong 方大同 的音樂

This is my 1st review of 1st of all i would like to intro a great singer and composer Khalil Fong to every1 and also give some comments on his music..

actualli khalil had released his 1st album in 2005 however I din realised his songs at that time..
till the few months ago, I accidentally listened one of his song "ai ai ai" in the local radio channel- MY FM (a Mandarin and Cantonese radio channel in Malaysia) and felt that it 's so great. Since that time, I started to looking for his other songs including the 1st and 2nd album.
undoubtedly, his songs are so nice as i expect.

Khalil Fong is talented since he is not only a singer but also a composer. All of the songs were composed by himself. But the most surprised me is that he can sing and even talk very well and fluently in Mandarin although he is a HongKong guy.

regard to his music, what i can say is great and excellent. the genre of his music is R&B and soul music...these type of music are seldom to be found in Chinese Music.. the other famous Chinese singer who also produce R&B music are David Tao, Gary ChaoGe, Tank and so forth.
However what I realised is there are big difference between his songs and other R&B singer like David Tao..this is because Khalil has his own style of music and do not tend to copy any other R&B singer like David Tao..

at last i think that he is not famous enough at least in my country..many of my frenz stil not yet familiar with this guy when I mentioned his i think that such a good music should be widely promoted so that much more ppl can enjoy listening of his songs..tat's also 1 of my intent in writing this review. I hope that he is going to bring more of nice songs for us soon. thus currently i am looking forward for his 3rd album...hope tat it is coming soon.

Below are the introduction and personal details of Khalil Fong in Chinese:

方大同(英文名:Khalil Fong,1983年7月14日—),香港男歌手,夏威夷出生,並先後於上海廣州生活,於1998年返回香港居住。他是一個在香港罕有地創作R&B及soul作品的唱作人。其父為美籍華人,是名職業鼓手,並由父親教授他打鼓,故他自小接觸音樂。在他五歲時曾看過一部有關音樂人的電影,使他對音樂及舞臺表演產生濃厚興趣, 自小就不時會在朋友的派對和社區活動上表演唱歌。 方大同於十五歲時自學結他,在十八歲時自學彈琴。他鍾情於音樂,尤以五十至七十年代的懷舊藍調、靈魂等黑人音樂為主。他的偶像為Stevie Wonder,Marvin Gaye,Earth,Wind & Fire,Michael Jackson,Eric Clapton等等,對其日後的音樂創作有顯著影響。
2005年11月發表首張個人專輯《Soul Boy》,並被冠「香港周杰倫」(香港陶喆)等的稱號。他曾經和薛凱琪傳緋聞。在12月29日他會發出他的新碟《愛愛愛THIS LOVE》。 於2007年2月1日至2月3日舉行<<愛愛愛 音樂會>>

  • 個人專輯:
    《Soul Boy》(國語)2005年11月18日發行
    《愛愛愛 THIS LOVE》(國語)2006年12月29日發行



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